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· 5 years ago
Like the plant that's being eaten knows it's being eaten or just plants in general know their kind is being eaten?
· 5 years ago
Mate that’s hemlock and it’s really really poisonous
· 5 years ago
Plants release stress hormones when they are being eaten. We know many plants have developed natural defense mechanisms to being eaten such as milk weeds or even the spiciness of many plants. Plants are living creatures and while they do not posses what we recognize as a similar intelligence to ours that does not mean they are not intelligent. All life is important from bugs to plants to people and cows. Just because you don’t look at another living thing and identify with at as being like you doesn’t make it less important or more so. The nature of life is that for you to live something else must die. Reconcile it, appreciate the sacrifice of another living thing for you, and prepare yourself to someday be food for something else. That’s... that’s just how things work unless we figure out some other way.