parents: why do you act so weird
kids: ugh stop criticising my way of life, why can't you just try to be more like my generation.
parents: *tries to talk like their kid*
I'm just saying that people in my gerneration are super tired of their parents not trying to relate to them, then get fed up with their parents for not doing it right when they try.
Speaking of Shamalamadingdong, what did y'all think of Glass?
I don't get the hate, I thought it was pretty good. Not genius level good, more like "guy pretending to be a genius and coming off as pretentious but still kinda smart" good. But still good. James McAvoy absolutely nailed the performance again.
kids: ugh stop criticising my way of life, why can't you just try to be more like my generation.
parents: *tries to talk like their kid*
I don't get the hate, I thought it was pretty good. Not genius level good, more like "guy pretending to be a genius and coming off as pretentious but still kinda smart" good. But still good. James McAvoy absolutely nailed the performance again.