Kind of strange how the whole situation in Sri Lanka isn't really being reported on, especially when compared to the New Zealand situation, despite the fact that 7 times as many people were killed.
ive not heard about it once here, this is the first time ive heard of it and i listen to the news when i fix up my food after uni
· 5 years ago
Yeah they planted bombs in churches on Easter Sunday, for the maximum amount of casualties. And then a couple politicians stateside called them Easter Worshippers instead of Christians.
that sounds like "politically correct" ass covering gone wrong on the easter worshippers thing.
also wasnt that basically what that new zealand ringleader dude said he could have done if he wanted body count instead of a message?
i block basically everything that isnt exactly the website im looking at and google news never gets space on my screen, i rarely actually use google as a middle man for the like 4 websites i go to ever. When i say "listen to the news" i mean the news on the TV that comes on a little after i get home. The big media TV news hasnt talked about it any of the last 3 days at the time's when i get home.
makes you wonder. one of the biggest churches in france burns down then a couple days later a bunch of churches in sri lanka get blown up? hell of a coincidence.
also wasnt that basically what that new zealand ringleader dude said he could have done if he wanted body count instead of a message?