To be clear I’m not saying I disagree or that these are my feelings- but It depends on your view of what a successful government should do and where free market capitalism ends. For instance- social services are not a prerequisite of a government which isn’t socialist in some part. Wether it’s things like for profit use of public roadways, public health impact of their products- a desire for skilled workers, etc. There are benefits to corporations of serving their customers as well as a responsibility that they should have to shoulder some of the effect of their profits. So while personally o believe it’s the governments job to create and maintain infrastructure- there are valid arguments that it isn’t a failure of a capitalist government when corporations foot the bill for things, but the desired effect of pure supply and demand capitalism would be that all things would be privately funded.
You're certainly on the right track but get off the fence and take a stand. If you're unsure, educate yourself on the facts and formulate an opinion. If you're just worried about offending someone, learn to say "fuck 'em".
There is a large difference between being objective and riding a fence. We cant really accuse the government at failing at things it wasn’t tasked with like providing higher education can we? It’s somewhat self evident that in a democracy made of the people by the people, especially a capitalist one- we each are as or more responsible as anyone else as our individual choices shape our nation. Since we all know it on some level yet continue to seek to offload blame- it’s clear that stating as such serves little purpose. It’s through retrospection and questioning that we achieve self awareness and become more than self motivated opinions backed by self interest we do not even understand.
"promote the general welfare".
That sounds like social services imo.
but hey... I'm losing my shit right now.
I don't see why a corporation providing for the general welfare should somehow subtract. That's social responsibility, which while not required, is great for PR.
@guest_ I'm only saying that you surely have your opinions on subjects. Unless you're a bot, of course. Screw the "objective"/trying to see both sides/trying not to offend/playing devil's advocate bullshit. Whatever you want to call it life is too fucking short to worry about trying to see everyone's point or trying not to upset anyone with a contrary opinion. Fucking make a statement and own it bro.
It all depends. Civility and manners are a luxury. Civilization exists as a means of survival and enrichment- but civilization can be brutal if we want it to. However at some point most people realized that it was not only much less stressful not always looking over your shoulder or having to fight for everything- but it was conducive to allowing the most people to achieve and enjoy goals. So on the individual level it is far easier to only think of and care for your own perspective. But given the luxury to do otherwise and the mental capacity to process more than a singular world view- the only reason not to is a world view where one sees others as obstacles or less than themselves. Since I have the means and mental capacity to achieve my own goals while considering others- I do. But I can understand some people don’t- a gift of being willing to consider other perspectives I suppose.
Well- I suppose life experience can be a factor as well. I’ve had the luck and misfortune (depending on how one views it) to have experienced many things from different or opposing sides. I’ve seen first hand how the flirting whims of fate can drastically alter our circumstances and how no amount of empathy can really show us what something is like or how living through certain things an shape perspective. For the places I’ve been before I can understand based on my own experiences, for the places I haven’t been I can just do my best to listen to the experiences of others. Life may be short but to each and every person on earth theirs tends to be one of or the most important to them. That’s something we can all understand and there’s no reason to be an undo obstacle in another’s path or to seek to cause friction where none need be. Life is too short to deal with drama that can easily be avoided through understanding- in my mind at least.
It's not the government's place to feed people and it sure as hell isn't the government's place to pay off your loans. Never mind the fact that the government is the one raping you with student loans in the first place. I'll grant you the pot holes but that's local or state government that's failing there.
In France, the government paid me so I could go to university because my parents weren't rich enough. That's how things should be. Now I am educated, have a good job, no debt, and I'm happily paying taxes so that future poor kids can have the opportunities I had.
· 5 years ago
Apparently anything other than a human rat race is considered socialism in this environment. So you're a bad, bad communist for believing in obligatory solidarity.
That sounds like social services imo.
but hey... I'm losing my shit right now.
I don't see why a corporation providing for the general welfare should somehow subtract. That's social responsibility, which while not required, is great for PR.