Love these "I have an argument that must be true because I thought of it and argued it in my head". Speaking as a feminist it's simply a matter of secularism. You can live according to religious rules of you want to (unless you inhibit someone elses freedoms) but you have the right not to live according to those rules and the justice system should ideally protect you should you need it.
But maybe he's talking about Alabama.
I don't think you understand what Sharia Law is.
The women don't have the chose to live as they want. its not a chose for them, in some countries they would be hurt/killed for not doing what their told.
'Speaking as a feminist', really?
I understand Sharia law and it's implications but he's talking about it being "applied in 100s of courts in the West" which is plain wrong. I'm not aware of any legal system in the West where Islamic law is applied or practiced. In the West it's a choice to live according to religious law protected by the freedom of religion in most constitutions.
Re: the feminist bit .. He claims feminists can't call him on his bullshit because that would be islamophobic. I'm feminist and I'm calling his bullshit without being islamophobic.
I don’t think Tawhidi understands. His supposed degree in religion has already been debunked by the school which states he couldn’t even finish a 2 year lower degree and was dropped for poor performance with “no academic progress.” Let alone complete an advanced degree as he claims. His claims of being any sort of accredited imam have only been even remotely backed by 2 close friends of his in an investigation he paid for himself- but no council of imams has claimed him as recognized. His logic is circular bullshit and like he often does- this tweet has been since deleted because he just likes to shit in the pool and then run away and pretend it didn’t happen.
Ok. So my comment above talks about this guy a little more. But- he doesn’t believe in “Islamophobia.” He’s on record saying it doesn’t exist. So he can’t call a person an islamaphobe by his own logic. What’s more- he’s also on record saying that integration is different cultures remaining unchanged but living together in peace based on things in common. By his own philosophy not following Islam isn’t the same thing as rejecting it- he’s gas lighting and using straw men arguments to puff himself up. To those afraid of the dark and lacking the knowledge to make a light- a garbage fire serves just as well as a shining beacon to them. It’s not quite the same though.
On the subject of “100’s of courts in the west..” West is relative. What “West” is he even talking about? And “100’s..?” When he says courts does he mean physical buildings or Judgeships? Some large districts have hundreds of courts and a single court can have many dozens of Judgeships in the US alone- and that doesn’t count “western” countries that are Muslim majority like those we in the “far west” consider “east” but are “west” from the “Far East” perspective. And not withstanding- is his statement that these courts are Shari’a courts- or that like most systems of law certain principals are shared so by default in a statistical sampling of rulings a certain number from most any court will coincide with those that another court would make in the same circumstance?
As an example- if one were alive in Nazi Germany, one could undoubtably find a restaurant serving food which adhered to certain principals or even could be considered entirely “Kosher.” Given the setting it would be very unlikely that any public eatery would intentionally serve Kosher food- however certain principals of Kosher eating are not exclusive to Judaism, and some are just by their nature. For instance most any vegetarian dishes, free of bugs and if prepared so that the utensils and tools used in its making weren’t also used for meat or dairy, can be considered kosher (depending on the sect of Judaism.) so we COULD say this restaurant was following Kosher practices- but the fact some or even all their dishes are Kosher would be a combination of coincidence and confluence.
But maybe he's talking about Alabama.
The women don't have the chose to live as they want. its not a chose for them, in some countries they would be hurt/killed for not doing what their told.
'Speaking as a feminist', really?