I’m so sorry for your loss guest. I lost my older brother who was my best friend, it is an incredibly hard thing to go through. There are tough times ahead, but as m said it does get easier with time. Know that you aren’t ever truly alone, you have many of us in the Funsubstance community here for you.
I’m so incredibly sorry, and I know it is not the same but I had a succession of best friends emigrate before it was especially easy to continue communication. And what I wish I’d done was open up to other people who cared about me. Your loss is giant and heavy and you deserve to live the life your best friend wanted you to! I don’t want to be all “you aren’t alone!!1!” but you need to establish and be communicative about your needs with your support system. When a family friend lost her husband she said what hurt most was when the silence crept in after the visits to her home as the grief lessened for others, happened. As I’m sure your best friend taught you, being dependent is an absolutely fine thing to be, and in your instance totally understandable. I am so sorry for your loss, and if it’s any comfort know my heart goes out to you.
my condolences. generally, i'd suggest taking a bit time off, letting yourself cry and wallow, talk to someone close to you about your feelings. and don't forget to eat something. grief often numbs a lots of feelings, hunger as well, and it's no good being sad on empty stomach.
Yup and you’re the only one who called them out. If you look at this guests other activity they seem to lead a very insanely depressed life OR they make a ton of crap up!