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· 5 years ago
humanity is destined to extinct, it's just all happening way too slowly for my tastes.
· 5 years ago
I had a "buddy" like that years ago. A bit of a wierdo who's interest in life was hockey and Big Brother. One day he tells me he's met this girl and he's in love. After he's talked about her for a while he asks if I want to see her? Sure, I say. Great, she's just coming home work now, he says and he hands me a pair of binoculars. Turns out he's never met her or talked to her or anything, just been stalking her for a week and spying on her.
· 5 years ago
Well.... Thats horrifying
· 5 years ago
As cringey as these people can be I feel bad for them. Something has gone off track for them and they feel either that their only chance is with a person they imagine, or they just can’t reconcile that real people aren’t “perfect” and so take to fantasy over reality. By and large are preferences are acquired and adapt to our experiences. Once a person starts gaining more experience with fantasy than reality, the larger the divide tends to become between their expectations and how things are. That not just makes it harder for them to relate and others to relate to them- but it also means their preferences and expectations eventually can’t really be met in reality. Much like a drug addict who’s used to the energy or numbing of an altered state- the return to “normal” can seem to them like a brutal handicap. What for you or I feels like waking up refreshed and energized would be a huge downgrade in energy for an amphetamine user,
· 5 years ago
and it doesn’t “get better,” they just get used to it with time again. So with these sorts of people it’s hard. No one can “force” them back to reality, and trying to force them too hard can drive them further to fantasy. However enabling them is usually worse still. In the end they have to want to change and snap out of it- but they generally don’t see a reason to. Without their fantasy they are alone and depressed without a feeling of hope. With their fantasy they may still sometimes feel that way, but have the hope and rush of chemicals from their fantasy attractions and relationships. The very same thing which is a strong block between them and being able to have a real relationship. It’s sad- and can lead to obsessive and dangerous behavior as well- such as when their “fantasy” person is real, and especially if they feel rejected, ignored, or betrayed by that person or that person somehow “breaks” their idealized version of them by doing something they don’t like.
· 5 years ago
Anyone got a link to the whole thing?