I didn't know what was happening at first. I thought I was half asleep. I was looking at our bathroom door. This was when we lived with my husband's grandparents. Our bathroom had a door that lead out to the backyard so we used it like a front door to our bedroom and blocked off our real bedroom door.
Anyways my husband's uncle (a creepy crack head) lived there as well.
So I was looking at the bathroom door when I see what I assume is my husband's uncle walk into our bedroom and look straight at me and hubby. Nothing more than stand there.
So I pretended to sleep. I didn't move at all. I was to scared. Than my husband moved and I looked at him and when I looked back his uncle was gone. I tried to move but couldn't. Than my husband woke up and shook me it wasn't till he shook me a couple times did I finally able to not only move but hear him.
I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but is it possible to have sleep paralysis and not see anything scary or feel in danger? Bc I feel like it's happened to me before, but I've been doubting it bc it was never a concern for me
Yeah, I haven't had any sleep paralysis experiences (at least not from memory) but I've heard that although it is very uncommon, some people have learnt to make sleep paralysis an enjoyable experience.
Same here. Thank GOD! I don't see anything. I feel like I'm awake and I can feel/ hear everything around me but can't move at all, not open my eyes. Nothing.
Whenever I get sleep paralysis, I use everything I can to focus on my hands. First I manage to wiggle a finger, then it's a couple fingers, and then finally it becomes my whole hand. Once I got my hand in check I can shake it around to get most of my arm awake, and once the arm is ok I grab various parts of my body (usually my chin) and shake the daylights out of me until I'm a-ok.
I cant remember if my eyes were open during the few experiences I had, but I definitely dont remember seeing anything spooky
When I was younger, every time I had sleep paralysis, there was a rain cloud that I’d see. It had a face on it, and it would threaten to rain needles down on me. As soon as I changed rooms, though, it never happened again.
· 5 years ago
When I was younger I woke up on the couch in my grandma’s living room and the door across from me was open and pitch black. I couldn’t move but I had this feeling that something was running at me from that room and I struggled and struggled to move and call for help until finally I yelled HELP! I darted up and looked around. It was a weird experience. After that, whenever it happened I would know what was happening and just be afraid I couldn’t move and be paranoid about it.
Anyways my husband's uncle (a creepy crack head) lived there as well.
So I was looking at the bathroom door when I see what I assume is my husband's uncle walk into our bedroom and look straight at me and hubby. Nothing more than stand there.
So I pretended to sleep. I didn't move at all. I was to scared. Than my husband moved and I looked at him and when I looked back his uncle was gone. I tried to move but couldn't. Than my husband woke up and shook me it wasn't till he shook me a couple times did I finally able to not only move but hear him.
I cant remember if my eyes were open during the few experiences I had, but I definitely dont remember seeing anything spooky