Hi. Not an Apple fan, but I do use some of their products. My defense is this: If you want the top one- buy it. The monitor that stand goes to is $5,000. I doubt you’re going to buy a $5,000 monitor for your $1,000 PC are you? Hell- my boss has $10,000 shelves in his bathroom. Not carved or anything- just plain but nice custom shelves. He puts $150 towels on them. I bet that moron will be really upset when he learns he could have bought 10 of those computers for that price! Or the first time he goes on amazon and sees you can get shelves that do the same job for like $20, or some equally functional wood shelves for a few hundred dollars! Oh wait.... he wanted a specific look and feel for a space he’d spend time in, and had the money, and that’s what he wanted so he bought it. What kind of idiot buys what they want with their money when they can get something they don’t want for cheaper am I right?
Agreed. It’s 99.99% people who would never consider buying the product his even goes to, and haven’t even used this stand themselves to offer a review. I don’t see myself spending $1,000 on a monitor stand any time soon- but I’m not going to tear Apple apart for making it. It’s fluff- not even vaguely necessary, and there’s plenty of alternatives to choose from so it isn’t really an abuse of consumers like if they changed $1k for an OS or something like that. It’s like selling a suit without a tie because they figure you probably have your own, and charging $1,000 for the tie. You don’t need a tie with a modern suit, you can get a tie cheaper elsewhere- why bitch and moan? Buy it or don’t.
There’s a larger cynicism and smugness in place that really irks me though. It’s not just seen in the whole Apple debate but politics and all over. This idea that not making the same choice as another person or having different priorities somehow makes you an idiot by default. Most people make the decision that works for them. When we don’t see the value in something and another does that’s not their failing but usually our own failing to be able to consider their perspective.
I find this Apple bashing rather inane