"Hey men can't tell women what to do with their bodies!" (This is true)
"Ew, circumcision" (Double standard much? Plus for some of us it's a religious thing.)
It’s not really even sort of the same thing. Not sure where you’re from, but I know that here in the US, a family has to op out of circumcision. We had to sign papers saying that we did not want them to needlessly remove a piece of sensitive tissue from our child’s genitalia for no medical reason, this causing him weeks of pain during urination, risk of infection and reduced sensitivity.
No one is stopping men from cutting up their dicks if they want to. Not really the same.
How many adult men do you know that chose to be circumcised? It's not the men's decision to get circumcised usually. They're circumcised as babies. Their parents choose what to do with their bodies.
I know a guy who got cut so his girl would go down on him. They broke up while he was healing, and she wasn't too particular about anyone else being cut.
Okay, so like...one dude who did it for a girl. My point is, most people are circumcised as babies, and this definitely isn't a bodily autonomy issue given the person who's being circumcised is usually unable to consent to it.
I've covered this before, but there are more benefits to circumcision than drawbacks. Penile cancer is significantly reduced in men circumcised as infants, for example.
But when controlled for factors (such as fimosis and smegma) penile cancer is not actually an increased risk. The comment is accurate. Keep your business clean and you reduce the risk—whether that’s from the surgical removal of a piece of sensitive tissue or more attentive cleaning, the difference is not statistically significant.
· 5 years ago
Well, I'm a man who doesn't want cancer in my penis, not do I wish that on any other man, so I will continue my advocacy and support for neonatal circumcision until the amount of evidence shifts to show greater benefits in forgoing circumcision. At current, there are decades of scholarly support for either circumcision OR letting the individual or parents choose with no doctor's recommendation either way. So the opposition has a long way to go.
But... but... it doesn’t though. The WHO asserts that about 33% of the world population practices circumcision. And the highest incidence of penile cancer comes from a country that generally practices circumcision.
I’m just saying, there’s a huge amount of data, spanning both population (67% of world population) and decades, regarding uncircumcised males.
"Ew, circumcision" (Double standard much? Plus for some of us it's a religious thing.)
No one is stopping men from cutting up their dicks if they want to. Not really the same.
I’m not sure what type of circumcision this is.
Well, I'm a man who doesn't want cancer in my penis, not do I wish that on any other man, so I will continue my advocacy and support for neonatal circumcision until the amount of evidence shifts to show greater benefits in forgoing circumcision. At current, there are decades of scholarly support for either circumcision OR letting the individual or parents choose with no doctor's recommendation either way. So the opposition has a long way to go.
I’m just saying, there’s a huge amount of data, spanning both population (67% of world population) and decades, regarding uncircumcised males.