So I know this is not as cool as those street names, but a city close to where I live, Mannheim, has a district with street names such as "Zäher Wille" (tenacious will) , "Kleiner Anfang" (small start), "Eigene Scholle" (own floe), "Dicker Stein" (fat rock), "Starke Hoffnung" (strong hope), "Guter Fortschritt" (good progress), "Große Ausdauer" (great stamina), "Frohe Arbeit" (joyful work), "Neue Heimat" (new home), "Gute Erde" (good soil), "Freie Luft" (fresh/open air), "Zuflucht" (refuge), "Obhut" (guardianship), "Planetenweg" (planet alley), "Aufstieg" (ascent), "Sonnenpfad (sun path)," Kometenweg" (comet alley), "Morgenröte" (aurora)...
Tag yourself, I'm kleiner Anfang
''There is a town in the Netherlands called Geldrop, and it's got a neighborhood where every street is named after a resident of Middle-earth. They're all organized by category: The north part of the neighborhood has the Gondorian streets, like Boromir and Aragorn. The Dwarf zone has streets like Balin and Dori.''
Tag yourself, I'm kleiner Anfang