I don’t see any hands being laid in this picture. But the logic that “tolerant” somehow means being accepting of people who actively seek to remove the rights of others or have others classified as less than them by virtue of some inherent part of themselves is laughable. By its nature tolerance in a democracy doesn’t tolerate bigotry. That’s like saying the “tolerant left” are hypocritical for not allowing murder or for being against pedophiles or rapists and not seeking to include them. Tolerance means letting people THINK what they want, it means allow free speech to the limits set on free speech in a society of law- it does not mean condoning hate or being flaccid in the face of behavior which is intolerant.
The KKK isn’t a knitting circle that happens to have a bunch of racists. It’s a group that advocates the supremacy of one group over another. Its very core is against any fundamental foundation of a tolerant society. Tolerance is when you allow such a group to exist so long as they break no laws. When you give individual members the benefit of the doubt and engage them as people. It doesn’t mean liking them or treating them as your best friend. You don’t have to like gay people either. You don’t have to support them or even be nice to them if you don’t like a certain gay person. But tolerance is letting them be them as long as they aren’t getting in anyone way, not blocking them from living their life or refusing to do business with INDIVIDUALS.
Lol. No worries. But I’m with you on the fist. Even if you disagree with them or see them as an enemy of society or whatever- unless it’s defense putting hands on them isn’t cool and is hypocritical.
"In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance."