Studios are uber regressive, but when you are literally gambling millions it's understandable. Hate on Disney all you want, but at least Disney has balls to fuck around with the status quo. Sony, on the other hand, is near the absolute worst. Spider-Man. As great as Into the Spiderverse was, it still wasn't risky. It was fucking animated (great animation, no doubt), but still not a real risk. They hedged their bets with Disney and still got butthurt when Disney asked for fair compensation of Kevin's time; he can't fucking produce everything Marvel. I wish he could, but he can't. He's already done something Nuhuman.
I would have used Inhumans, but that wasn't his fault.
Well yes and no. If nothing in a category is made with any thought to females enjoying it they score lower but, they don't realize the secondary market/ don't have the statistic on say a female super hero movie. There is also cultural stigmas im out of energy for this counterpoint tho so ending with: Girls/women loved say powerpuff girls, kim possible, teen titans, or wonder women.
I would have used Inhumans, but that wasn't his fault.
Miramax was Disney. Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill doesn't happen without Disney.