Who am I texting? The lock? The door? The House?
What happens if the door doesn’t open but you see that the text has been seen??? I have so many questions
· 5 years ago
I guess knocking on the door isn't an option anymore
I literally yell out "IT'S OPEN". For my three closest homies I've basically just said don't even knock, walk the fuck in... what's really the worst you could catch me doing?
They still knock.... but the dun-dun-dah-dun-duh knock...
The fuck do they think they'll catch me doing?! I just don't want to go down my fucking stairs.
All three have caught me whacking it and two have had to deal with me shitting on myself. I mean... how much is left?
When they caught you whacking it to their photos they were upset, but when they later caught you shaking it to a photo of them catching you walking it to the first photo, they were very confused
What happens if the door doesn’t open but you see that the text has been seen??? I have so many questions
They still knock.... but the dun-dun-dah-dun-duh knock...
The fuck do they think they'll catch me doing?! I just don't want to go down my fucking stairs.
All three have caught me whacking it and two have had to deal with me shitting on myself. I mean... how much is left?