One time I gave my neighbour my paper, he gave it to his neighbour, and it travelled all across the classroom. Problem? The teacher hadn't left and she decided to collect our work while mine was on the opposite side of the room. A dudebro yelled NO! and argued with her that it was unfair to decide it suddendly like that, people didn't have time to adjust their answer strategy, etc, etc, until the paper went back at me. He stopped right then and there.
On my sheet were little drawings and thank you notes I erased promptly but never forgot.
Ok that actor idk his name but hes in alot of big titles. Harry potter Game of Thrones Chernobyl and Guardians of the Galaxy. But we only see him for like a few minutes. Just wanted to point that out.
On my sheet were little drawings and thank you notes I erased promptly but never forgot.