Thank you I made a weird face and my professor thought I was reacting to his words because he was speaking about pulling the legs off cicadas. At least he thought I was paying attention...
What the fuck is your professor going on about!? lmao
Is this like... how to properly remove a leg for further analysis so you don't accidentally cause damage/more damage and you can get an accurate... representation/sample?
No not at all, I don't exactly remember what it was (I wasn't focused^^' and this man can go from normal to crazy in a matter of seconds, which is why he's captivating when you're not running on 3h of sleep and at the end of a busy day)
I know we were talking about cultural history if France in the 70's. My notes mention Albert Camus's Sisyphus, so my guess/vague memory is he must have said something about doing repetitive stuff over and over with death as the only "acceptable" outcome, much like cicadas trying to escape once you've already pulled off one of their legs, "as you do. We all did this as kids. Well I guess not Miss PurplePumpkin, she seems concerned and puzzled. Geez I feel bad now. I hope I haven't traumatized you. You're too sweet for this class."
"Jump!" The cicada jumps. But then when you cut all their legs you can yell "jump" all you want, they won't budge, hereby demonstrating that cutting cicadas' legs makes them deaf.
Is this like... how to properly remove a leg for further analysis so you don't accidentally cause damage/more damage and you can get an accurate... representation/sample?
I know we were talking about cultural history if France in the 70's. My notes mention Albert Camus's Sisyphus, so my guess/vague memory is he must have said something about doing repetitive stuff over and over with death as the only "acceptable" outcome, much like cicadas trying to escape once you've already pulled off one of their legs, "as you do. We all did this as kids. Well I guess not Miss PurplePumpkin, she seems concerned and puzzled. Geez I feel bad now. I hope I haven't traumatized you. You're too sweet for this class."