Just remember, there is a limit to garlic intake! It can purify your blood too much, resulting is death. But, perhaps the risk is worth the tasty reward, no?
· 5 years ago
Allicin has an LD50 of 60 mg/kg body weight in mice, injected intravenously. Garlic contains around 1% Alliin which turns to Allicin, so for a normal person the LD50 would take about a pound of garlic, or rather the extracted Alliin/Allicin from it, to be injected IV. Most people eat garlic, rather than shooting it up, so as Allicin is quite unstable and needs to pass thru the stomach it's probably going to take a couple kg pure garlic to kill every second contestant of whatever super twisted contest that would be. Which is about as likely a scenario as those where an overdose of cannabis would actually hurt people.
...Thank you for explaining the joke. I mean, really, I’m not being sarcastic that you’ve provided a service, but the joke was implied that you would have to abandon all semblance of logic with garlic in order to OD. I mean, everything has an LD...some just require creative solutions to attain! P.s. I did give you a like for the information.