People with severe allergies bring an epi pen everywhere already.
My Mom has a serve allergic reaction to anything that stings. One day we were heading to her parents and she walked out side and a yellow jacket got coat up in her coat. She tried to shake it out but it got her and just grazed her skin with it's stinger didn't even sting her but it was enough. She started to back up into the house and was going to pass out from lack of air and she kept motioning for her pen I grabbed it and popped it open problem was she just got them and I hadn't used her practice pen yet. We all were going to practice using the practice pen so we could help her. But I didn't yet. So she grabbed it and stabbed her leg. Instantly gasping for air. She could breath.
Small problem she is slightly allergic to the pen. So she started to shake by an hour she was shaking so bad it looked like she was taping to music but there was none. It took 4 hours for it to finally stop.
i have severe allergies to multiple things, example: certain nuts make my face swell up in seconds, horses make my entire system run overdrive and i start dripping so much snot, saliva, and tears out of my face that you could fill a bucket.
I dont typically bring one with me when i go out unless i expect there is a larger than nominal chance of me coming into contact with something im allergic to.
For those who have deadly allergic relations do typically have a pen with them.
I met a few who are deadly allergic to things. My uncle who sadly passed away was so allergic to onions if he even smelled one he go into shock. He kept one on him at all times when not at home. He had 1:
In his truck
At his parents house
Our house (he lived next door)
His work had 2
He even had 1 in the deer blind he used to go hunting in.
1 Christmas he went to his new wife's parents and they didn't tell him there was onions in the dressing even though he asked. He passed out so quickly he fell through their glass door as he tried to make it to his truck to get his pen. Lucky my aunt knew what to do. She saved his life so after that he stashed them everywhere.
My mom is the same now. They are everywhere.
Kid I went to Jr high with had 2 always on him. Because he was allergic to everything. And sometimes he would need both. I still remember the day he spent both 1 after he sat down in his desk and the desk had powder on it but turns out it was peanut crumbs from the kid who sat there the period before him. (Yes we were allowed to eat in class) 2nd one he spent it on in science some gave him latex gloves to use instead of plastic ones.
So he was all out but than after school he walked outside to wait for his mom and the landscaper was mowing the sports field so there was cut grass everywhere. He ran to the school desk and made gabbing into his leg motions than passed out. Luckily the front desk woman knew him and ran to the nurse to get one his back ups.
See this is why if you are DEADLY (as in WILL DIE WITHOUT A PEN) allergic you keep them EVERYWHERE.
No I mean it as those who have had attacks where they almost lost their lives or can, usually do keep multiple pens near them or on them.
This world is the most messed up life threatening place to live. No matter how careful a person is there is always the idiot factor. As in some one else is the idiot that will get you killed.
I had a 2nd cousin who was just 6 years old and thanks to a preschool teacher he died from being feed a cookie that had egg in it. He died with in a few minutes because she thought he was just choking. She forgot to check if there was egg in the cookie.
Yet at home they were so careful about him being allergic to eggs they made sure it was 100% egg free home.
So you see this is why the majority of people care them everywhere.
My Mom has a serve allergic reaction to anything that stings. One day we were heading to her parents and she walked out side and a yellow jacket got coat up in her coat. She tried to shake it out but it got her and just grazed her skin with it's stinger didn't even sting her but it was enough. She started to back up into the house and was going to pass out from lack of air and she kept motioning for her pen I grabbed it and popped it open problem was she just got them and I hadn't used her practice pen yet. We all were going to practice using the practice pen so we could help her. But I didn't yet. So she grabbed it and stabbed her leg. Instantly gasping for air. She could breath.
Small problem she is slightly allergic to the pen. So she started to shake by an hour she was shaking so bad it looked like she was taping to music but there was none. It took 4 hours for it to finally stop.
I dont typically bring one with me when i go out unless i expect there is a larger than nominal chance of me coming into contact with something im allergic to.
I met a few who are deadly allergic to things. My uncle who sadly passed away was so allergic to onions if he even smelled one he go into shock. He kept one on him at all times when not at home. He had 1:
In his truck
At his parents house
Our house (he lived next door)
His work had 2
He even had 1 in the deer blind he used to go hunting in.
1 Christmas he went to his new wife's parents and they didn't tell him there was onions in the dressing even though he asked. He passed out so quickly he fell through their glass door as he tried to make it to his truck to get his pen. Lucky my aunt knew what to do. She saved his life so after that he stashed them everywhere.
My mom is the same now. They are everywhere.
So he was all out but than after school he walked outside to wait for his mom and the landscaper was mowing the sports field so there was cut grass everywhere. He ran to the school desk and made gabbing into his leg motions than passed out. Luckily the front desk woman knew him and ran to the nurse to get one his back ups.
See this is why if you are DEADLY (as in WILL DIE WITHOUT A PEN) allergic you keep them EVERYWHERE.
This world is the most messed up life threatening place to live. No matter how careful a person is there is always the idiot factor. As in some one else is the idiot that will get you killed.
I had a 2nd cousin who was just 6 years old and thanks to a preschool teacher he died from being feed a cookie that had egg in it. He died with in a few minutes because she thought he was just choking. She forgot to check if there was egg in the cookie.
Yet at home they were so careful about him being allergic to eggs they made sure it was 100% egg free home.
So you see this is why the majority of people care them everywhere.