So sad that someone put this exhibit up. It shouldn’t be necessary. It’s so....evil......that this is part of the conversation.
People are being forced against their will, why is the person being forced the focus? How is the action of another my problem?? All the energy should be on eliminating the threat of rape. Not by changing female behavior. But by properly dealing with the actual danger. Being a female is not dangerous; I am not dangerous.
Being a predator is dangerous. We need to root it out.
As long as threats exist it is wise to be aware and protect yourself from that threat. While it would be beneficial to increase the populations mental health and other potential causes leading to being a perpetrator, it is dangerous and ignorant to say that people should not have to take care of themselves.
I still can't actually understand how some people don't see what's wrong with it. It's like someone asking "what...why is it wrong to murder someone? Like...they're gonna die eventually".
People are being forced against their will, why is the person being forced the focus? How is the action of another my problem?? All the energy should be on eliminating the threat of rape. Not by changing female behavior. But by properly dealing with the actual danger. Being a female is not dangerous; I am not dangerous.
Being a predator is dangerous. We need to root it out.