Its funny- but it’s also true. People often don’t realize how much their adult behaviors are dictated by what they wanted in childhood. Sometimes it can be fine- but if an also be a problem. We often do things not because we truly want to- but simply because it was an “itch” we always wanted to scratch. For some that can manifest in unhealthy ways such as overcompensating in seeking attention or validation of peers.
Sometimes it’s good to achieve a dream deferred. If you dreamed of flying a plane since childhood and take flight lessons- good on you. But sometimes we make choices, hoard things, collect and covet- make choices we may feel shame or regret and know aren’t necessarily smart, to fill some hole from childhood. Usually these holes can’t be filled that way. If we don’t recognize what we are doing we will just keep going until- best case- we realize that we aren’t actually happy from these behaviors and move past them.
When I was young, I was told that what I want was childish. I was 8
Now that im 20 and have a good job, I started to buy things that bring me joy, such as a shark plush toy from IKea and similar things
A perfectly healthy and valid use of your adult freedom. I’m glad you are able to have that now. The danger of embracing childhood denials in adulthood isn’t so much in seeking what some would call “childish-“ There isn’t such a thing- merely that which we enjoy and that we do not. I knew a woman who collected dolls into her 90’s and videogames once and still often are called childish. Do you! Enjoy life. The danger is when we allow those denied impulses of childhood to overtake our better judgment or consume us in negative ways. It’s when we do because we can and not because that is what will actually make us happy. When we try to recapture a childhood moment that is gone versus enjoying something as an adult. As an adult- enjoy that plushie!
I’m genuinely glad. It is not childish to enjoy things. You are not childish for liking things. People who are supposedly adult role models like lawyers or politicians or business folks are often the most childish behaving of all- tantrums and selfishness, inability to care for themselves without assistance, emotional immaturity and fragile egos and such. Be a strong, self sufficient, mature, and professional adult who after a hard days responsibilities takes some of that money they earned and does what THEY want with. It is childish when we deny ourselves because we think other people wouldn’t do it either. Isn’t that what they tell children? If all your friends jumped off a bridge... would you? Well... if all your friends denied what they want to try and impress people... we know that you wouldn’t. You’d do you. Slaying it.
Now that im 20 and have a good job, I started to buy things that bring me joy, such as a shark plush toy from IKea and similar things