That's cause in many, many cases the alleged fear of illegal immigrants is in fact the fear of people who look different. There is a word for this but if you use it nowadays in places like this, people will start calling you names.
As a legal immigrant, these are my two cents on the matter: Ever think about how it must feel to be a legal immigrant who jumps through thousands of hoops and is still questioned at every step, just to see people that show no respect for a country's laws the moment they set foot in it be praised for that very act? Being against illegal immigration has nothing to do with being racist. I may be unhappy with the process sometimes, but I'll take a country caring about who they take in over one that doesn't any day. It takes a lot of effort and money to come here legally, not to mention the stress you go through even though your case is legit, so people wanting to hand everything to illegal immigrants are a giant slap in the face to someone like me. Immigration is not a human right; no country is obligated to take you in, you need to prove that you're worth it.
I don't care where you come from as long as you come here legally. I don't care what you look like, if you're illegal you're a criminal and deserve to be deported.
Assuming some who is a race that the country doesn't have a problem with illegal immigration with immigrated legally isn't particularity racist. I doubt this image is rooted in fact.
hardly any illegal white immigrants despite whites being discriminated against in immigration, imagine that