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· 5 years ago
“Well you see- on a bicycle it is hard to-“ enough Cole or Ryan or whatever your name is. Yes. It’s hard to stop and go on a bicycle. That is a great deal of the point behind things like cars and motorcycles you see. The next most common transportation is of course- walking. You’re just as dead or injured getting in an accident on a bike- and anyone you hit is just as dead or hurt too. That’s why we have rules.
· 5 years ago
You know what the difference is between falling off a motorcycle at 20-25mph and falling off a road bike? Asides from insurance? The physics are the same. Human body, 20-25mph fall- same injuries. Any time you get on a bicycle you should have a very serious understanding that the only danger a motorcycle has that you dont is with the extra power a person with bad judgment can easily commit vehicular suicide in a thoughtless throttle blip. But the motor cycle has more traction, is easier to notice, has better brakes, power to get out of danger, and the riders (should) have leathers and full face helmets not spandex or cargo shorts and a toy skull cap. It’s not “just a bicycle.” It’s your life and others lives.
· 5 years ago
There’s 30,000 people wandering around campus eh? Lemme just race thru them at 20 miles an hour and see if I can hit one
· 5 years ago
I had a bicyclist make a left turn in front of me and then had the nerve to get mad at me for not noticing him.