Well that's just silly. For most of the world the probability of getting hit by falling plane parts is way higher. It happens often enough to have its own acronym in the aviation safety community: TFOA, or Things Falling Off Aircraft.
Read more at airspacemag . com/daily-planet/airplane-droppings-180956153/#XPkwruTvUsvCttug.99 I don't see you watching the skies.
It's not silly. The probability is never zero. That's a truth. Even if you're in Antarctica, there is still the possibility that you piss of a billionaire enough that they unleash a silverback with his balls tied upon you while you're on top of an glacier. Is it probable? No, but it is possible, which means the chances are higher than zero; a fact.
Read more at airspacemag . com/daily-planet/airplane-droppings-180956153/#XPkwruTvUsvCttug.99 I don't see you watching the skies.