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· 5 years ago
I mean- I’ll stand up for science, but some of these aren’t strictly very scientific. “The universe is expanding..” well... observations support that the distance between galaxies is becoming greater, so that would be to the best of our knowledge (until it might or might be disproven,) fact. The universe is expanding? That is theory. An explanation of the distance between galaxies growing. “Humans are made of stardust..” well... again... near as we know as fact- MOST of the elements in the human body came from stars. All? No? Star dust? Not a terribly scientific term- and again- a mix of theory and fact. The true scientist knows there is the known unknown and the unknown unknown. That what we know today and what we know tomorrow might not agree, and that certainty isn’t an aspect of science so much as observed consistency is.
· 5 years ago
I'd argue that food is the universal language