No, just federalism. States have powers that the feds don't. Try pushing this at a state level instead of federal. Keep it personal, low level, and while imposing on nobody outside the state.
So the US isn't a Federal Republic, and Germany isn't the size of a state?
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Nah you’re wrong that the US is just that special that systems that work for literally every other first world country won’t wrk for us. Theres a reason we have one of the worst healthcare systems in the first world
America isn’t that special, get over it
Not special? We built those first world countries up. That's what first world means.
1st: Allied to US post WW2
2nd: Allied to USSR post WW2
3rd: Disputed or unaffiliated with US or USSR.
We built the first world, and much of the second world.
We defend the western world with the greatest military in world history.
Our economy dwarfs any single country and most international unions.
Unlike the rest of the world, nobody else has subsidized our defense and economy, or single handedly secured all ocean and aerial trade routes, plus providing more aid and relief to natural and manufactured disasters than everyone else combined. Nevermind that we're the first and oldest country founded on liberal values of unobtrusive government, individualism, and laws above even God. And all of this is just the Federation, nevermind the 50 individual states.
We are that special, get over it
· 5 years ago
“We made first world countries”
England actually did lol. In fact they were famous for having the worlds most powerful navy. Other countries are just smart enough now to not spend all their money on defense they don’t need and that’s why America has the largest lol
America isn’t that special, it’s just isolated
Also America isn’t the first or oldest to be governed on liberal values, that would belong to Sweden
First world is exclusively reference to Cold War affiliations.
Now we have the best navy, and we use it to secure the world's oceans and skies, as well as reign in Chinese, Russian, and other's attempts to weaponize or victimize trade routes. And we do it better than the Brits ever could've.
The other countries don't even spend enough to cover their own asses, and thanks to American Soldiers and resources they haven't needed to.
And no country that holds the collective over the individual, that has even symbolic royalty, micromanaged people's lives, restricts free speech, or outlaws common and anonymous ownership of effective arms is liberal. Especially not a nanny state like Sweden.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
Are you really still going on? Keep on thinking America’s the only exception somehow to systems that are proven to work for literally everyone else
America isn’t that great, it’s not becoming great anytime soon, we are the laughing stock of the world
We're in the best state we've been in for decades, but we've been on top for generations.
Our government was never meant to micromanage people's lives, and it was deliberately structured to be slow and inefficient just to make it that much more difficult for authoritarians to control people's lives.
Repeating yourself isn't an argument, you've yet to refute anything I've said.
· 5 years ago
Because refuting you leads to nothing because talking to you is like talking to a wall? Restating my point takes a lot less time, time that could be used doing things other than debating a right wing narcissist that believes spending more on defense does more good than supplying a countries citizens with healthcare. You argue a country should focus on its own citizens but then brag about how amazing America is because it inserts itself into other countries affairs. There’s no point in having a valid discussion with you because you’re too far up your own ass, the only thing that enters your head is your own shit
Narcissist? I thought I was a sociopath.
Regardless, I'm detecting a lot of projection from yourself onto me, because you have yet to say anything of substance, instead trying to attack me personally followed by self-righteous dismissal.
Here's some free chicken, you can't just say someone's wrong, you need to explain why they're wrong.
It works much better than conflating a caricature of what you believe your opposition to be, rather than building up an actual argument.
Generally universal health care only gives shitty doctors to the masses because the private industry pays all the good ones far better than be state can hope to do, just look at the U.K, the country that shares the closest cultural similarities to the US in Europe, the NHS is fucking awful and actively avoided at any possible chance with waiting lists long enough that the person supposedly being saved by universal health care dies waiting on their turn. It's just like the America veteran's association health care, an active example of what universal health care would look like in America just with less spread thin resources than universal health care would have, people die because the service is so shit and slow.
So you're saying that of the billions of people in 32 nations, none of them are broken from medical issues? That's amazing. We should tell those 32 nations!
Jesus this isn’t even a conversation worth having “define works” “define broke” define this define that. Just understand that most of not all(my research is lacking) of these 32 countries are democratic So they would get rid of the public healthcare if they wanted to. But for some reason in those countries parties are allied on the one issue that private healthcare is stupid.
im just gonna copy paste myself from above
"Generally universal health care only gives shitty doctors to the masses because the private industry pays all the good ones far better than be state can hope to do, just look at the U.K, the country that shares the closest cultural similarities to the US in Europe, the NHS is fucking awful and actively avoided at any possible chance with waiting lists long enough that the person supposedly being saved by universal health care dies waiting on their turn. It's just like the America veteran's association health care, an active example of what universal health care would look like in America just with less spread thin resources than universal health care would have, people die because the service is so shit and slow."
works in 32 of the 33 country's ya and my car works with only 3 wheels but its not good in any way to drive it like that. as for universal health it probably won't work in USA but i'm willing to give it a test try. but lets start with some thing easy, new, and total transparency so we can see exactly how its being done. how about we do universal dental in America and show the american people how this thing works. show us how we can have free dental and all our lives will be better without astronomical tax hikes and have happy citizens all around. then get back to us on the universal medical of free healthcare or what ever they are calling the carrot on the stick this week.
This is really misleading because basically every one of these countries funds their universal healthcare through different means. And "universal" does not mean "free". It never does. People need to stop conflating the two.
“No it’s not and here’s why”
“Ur wrong socialist I want liberty”
America isn’t that special, get over it
1st: Allied to US post WW2
2nd: Allied to USSR post WW2
3rd: Disputed or unaffiliated with US or USSR.
We built the first world, and much of the second world.
We defend the western world with the greatest military in world history.
Our economy dwarfs any single country and most international unions.
Unlike the rest of the world, nobody else has subsidized our defense and economy, or single handedly secured all ocean and aerial trade routes, plus providing more aid and relief to natural and manufactured disasters than everyone else combined. Nevermind that we're the first and oldest country founded on liberal values of unobtrusive government, individualism, and laws above even God. And all of this is just the Federation, nevermind the 50 individual states.
We are that special, get over it
England actually did lol. In fact they were famous for having the worlds most powerful navy. Other countries are just smart enough now to not spend all their money on defense they don’t need and that’s why America has the largest lol
America isn’t that special, it’s just isolated
Also America isn’t the first or oldest to be governed on liberal values, that would belong to Sweden
Now we have the best navy, and we use it to secure the world's oceans and skies, as well as reign in Chinese, Russian, and other's attempts to weaponize or victimize trade routes. And we do it better than the Brits ever could've.
The other countries don't even spend enough to cover their own asses, and thanks to American Soldiers and resources they haven't needed to.
And no country that holds the collective over the individual, that has even symbolic royalty, micromanaged people's lives, restricts free speech, or outlaws common and anonymous ownership of effective arms is liberal. Especially not a nanny state like Sweden.
America isn’t that great, it’s not becoming great anytime soon, we are the laughing stock of the world
Our government was never meant to micromanage people's lives, and it was deliberately structured to be slow and inefficient just to make it that much more difficult for authoritarians to control people's lives.
Regardless, I'm detecting a lot of projection from yourself onto me, because you have yet to say anything of substance, instead trying to attack me personally followed by self-righteous dismissal.
Here's some free chicken, you can't just say someone's wrong, you need to explain why they're wrong.
It works much better than conflating a caricature of what you believe your opposition to be, rather than building up an actual argument.
“Why would I help someone else out”
"Generally universal health care only gives shitty doctors to the masses because the private industry pays all the good ones far better than be state can hope to do, just look at the U.K, the country that shares the closest cultural similarities to the US in Europe, the NHS is fucking awful and actively avoided at any possible chance with waiting lists long enough that the person supposedly being saved by universal health care dies waiting on their turn. It's just like the America veteran's association health care, an active example of what universal health care would look like in America just with less spread thin resources than universal health care would have, people die because the service is so shit and slow."