The powerful people are definitely telling you the truth, aren't they?
5 years ago by qwet897 · 680 Likes · 3 comments · Popular
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· 5 years ago
Yea, but if they could just chill with the “jet fuel can’t melt steal beams” “flat earth” “pigeons spy on us” stuff that’d be nice
· 5 years ago
Powerful people DO make plans in secret. Just like... regular people. Except they have power. So instead of figuring out how to hide a broken case from mom with your siblings or how to beat Becky out for a promotion using office politics the stakes are bigger. But most “conspiracies” aren’t. Businesses are connected. Most things are connected. A good deal of the time it just works out that what is good for one rich/powerful person is good for a bunch- so they tend to work towards the same things.
· 5 years ago
But most of the time nothing is really “hidden,” it’s all in records and what not- it’s just most people don’t care to or don’t want to look. Look at the news from the last few years even. People can do most things in plain view of the world and walk away fine. The country is arguing wether it’s ok or not for a president to use the office as leverage with foreign leaders for their own gain. There are conspiracies but most of the time the dirt happens in front of us and the only part that’s hidden is the real reason why.