Have you ever tried calling them to check up on where you stand with them? Because majority of people that are hiring they just glanced over them and will just pick one or two people to call depending on how many people they need for the job. But if you call them yourself then they see that as initiative. Plus then you get your answer whether the position has been filled or if you have been picked to get an interview might actually improve your chances of getting an interview. It's one of the things that people don't tell you about putting your resumes out.
You can't just leave it on the desk and go well contact me if you need me. Call them like a couple days after you turn it in but not too many or too few it depends on the job that you're asking about if you're asking for a fast food or something in retail call like 2 days to 3 days after. If you're asking about like a desk job or something ask about a week later if you haven't heard anything.
You can't just leave it on the desk and go well contact me if you need me. Call them like a couple days after you turn it in but not too many or too few it depends on the job that you're asking about if you're asking for a fast food or something in retail call like 2 days to 3 days after. If you're asking about like a desk job or something ask about a week later if you haven't heard anything.