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· 5 years ago
Are people debating that the universe isn't expanding?
· 5 years ago
Do stand up for science- but several of those statements are both not scientific, and can be said to not be provably true. For instance: “Science is like Magic, but real..” that sentence is dripping with bias. Science doesn’t disprove magic could exist- we just haven’t scientifically proven magic exists. It’s an important distinction. If we assume a thing is not real- if we assume it cannot be real- we aren’t being scientific. We can say that we see no evidence of it- that the probability of it is so small in our minds that it’s a waste of time- or outside the scope of what we wish to prove to consider it- but we cannot say it doesn’t exist, simply it has not been observed to exist.
Edited 5 years ago
· 5 years ago
This is critically important- most people do not realize how important it is. There is something called teleological reasoning. That is- the thought that everything exists for a specific purpose. If we say: “clouds make rain so that plants can grow...” this is incorrect and borderline dangerous. Clouds make rain because of a series of phenomenon and matters of physics- when the correct conditions are met- because the laws by which the universe as we know it functions work that way.
· 5 years ago
That’s science. Science doesn’t answer and isn’t concerned with philosophical questions and that which it cannot use to further our understand of things. It isn’t that those things don’t exist or can’t exist or don’t matter- it’s that science is a system that humans created to understand the systems around us. Science doesn’t exist inherent to these systems- it is the CODIFIED STUDY OF THESE SYSTEMS. The universe would exist without science- we just wouldn’t understand any of it beyond an intuitive level.
· 5 years ago
So stick up for science. Do it right. As a scientist. Science doesn’t care about gods or magic or politics. Scientists might- and in studies done on teleological reasoning- about half of college kids and a whopping 30% of scientists from prestigious institutions like MIT failed a test on teleological reasoning. Leave that at home. Science isn’t about your conclusions- it’s about making a theory based on evidence of WHAT IS, and then observing and experimenting to see what comes out- not validating what you thought would happen. Science is an open mind and it is about what you can observe and record. Science isn’t a religion to be elevated above all others or to be venerated. It’s a set of rules used to try and be impartial as we figure out the truth. Science can’t prove something is impossible- only what is.
· 5 years ago
Well said!