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· 5 years ago
Sure it looks cool, but this would cost a fortune to have it done. The time and materials needed for something this would be prohibitive to many.
· 5 years ago
You 100% percent have NO IDEA what you are talking about but we love you anyway
· 5 years ago
As you can see this is for a place with not many rooms and only one cold water of 1/2” pipe going to the lone Hot water heater and looks to only be 66 Gallons(small). Most likely it was a guy redoing his plumbing in his house
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· 5 years ago
Also the shut off‘s that he’s using our only three dollars a piece and for time? You see how much space he has??? This can all be done 1 hour flat
· 5 years ago
Now he could have save time by having all the pipes connected with only one shut off valve but how he has it is each pipe can be turned off with out affecting the others. This is very important if you need to do plumbing to one pipe but if there was only one shut off valve it could affect the entire building.
· 5 years ago
so basically.... "when you're a plumber and you wanna have amazing management of the plumbing in your house."
· 5 years ago
Now how much would that same plumber charge to do this for someone else? I'm not talking about friends or family but just regular customers. You cannot tell me this wouldn't be way more expensive then just standard point A to point B and done plumbing.
· 5 years ago
It's actually beautiful.
· 5 years ago
not an expert but i believe that's some sort of underfloor heating that's why so many and so orderly. on the right side of the tank is the regular pipes going to sinks and stuff. but like i said not an expert.