Hopefully he took the necessary precautions, didn't put himself overtly at risk, and HOPEFULLY he gave the nursing and Er staff the morale boost they so desperately need right now while their ears and faces are being sliced open by their face masks and their hands are cracking from the alcohol and washing.
Hopefully it did them some good to see that, among all the suffering and death and fear-mongering surrounding them, they made a huge difference in this man's life, and gave him hope and relief and happiness.
Hopefully people didn't go up and spit directly in his mouth or force him to lick their hands (as the general population are so famous for????) And everyone kept a safe but not psychotic distance so this man could go and tell these people just how much what they're doing means to him, and that them putting their lives and families at risk MEANS something - their work has faces, not just death masks.
That's what I'd hope for at any rate.
Because he’s standing outside a place with high exposure risk, where you’re likely to encounter people who have had exposure- and he’s not wearing a mask or PPE- and “morale boost” isn’t on the list of essential reasons to be out and about- you know... increasing the risks and scale of what these medical folks are dealing with right now?
And as sad as it would be if he ended back in the ER by catching Covid on his trip- it would be as sad or perhaps sadder if he was carrying and didn’t realize it- and spread Covid to those same medical folks working so hard- or to a bunch of other people they will have to work even harder to treat. And if all of them return to show their gratitude (without masks) then you get the exact thing that medical professionals are dreading most right now- mass outbreaks.
So it’s touching and sweet- and I hope it happened before quarantine. It’s also sweet if your toddler sees you struggling and wants to help, so they throw your dry clean only $200 white top in with a bunch of red clothes and some dirty dishes and your iPhone in the washing machine. Very sweet gesture. Results vary. Hope it’s ore quarantine. Right now- show gratitude with face time or maybe an old fashioned card.
Ah yes. Because, as we all know, it is extremely simple to face time with the staff of an emergency ward. Luckily I don't think this man lives in the land of mouth-spitters and hand lickers, and since he touched nothing at the hospital and had no one within 6 feet of him at the time of this picture it looks he's a-o-kay.
I hope it happened whenever the fuck it did happen. Clearly it reached the people it needed to and had the desired impact.
It’s not really simple to face time a seat team in the middle of a hostage crisis. I appreciate what they do though, as I am sure any former hostages or their families might. You might also really want to go see your friends newborn baby at the hospital and hold it while you have the flu- touching as holding that baby is, and your wanting to be there for your friend- maybe if there isn’t an easy way, and there isn’t a safe way, found another way or wait? Just a thought.
He is literally not in the building. There are no babies. There are no people. He is touching nothing. I'm sorry you and your community apparently suffer from an uncontrollable need to spit on emergency staff and newborn babies, and must constantly be in immediate contact with every single person around them when not in the confines of your own home. Being a palm-kisser, face-toucher, glass licker, passer-by-ambush-cougher, kling-on who targets any they see sounds like a truly miserable way to live.
Thankfully people that share your issues with your salivary glands ARE staying home during quarantine, so he was completely fine.
You’re welcomed to try to insult me directly or indirectly or imply whatever you like about my hygiene or habits, I will not respond in kind. I did not come here to insult you, and in my community- it’s bad manners and we’d likely consider it uncalled for under the circumstances.
That said- and this is not an insult, I mean it in seriousness- I am not entirely sure if you are joking or being hyperbolic- or if you don’t understand how airborne contagion works- or what? I don’t know your views on the situation. Perhaps you are one of the many people who feel the entire situation has been overblown and there is no need for quarantine or social distancing- that as long as we aren’t spitting in each other’s mouths and licking everything there is no danger?
Maybe that is right. A whole lot of medical professionals don’t seem to feel it is- and I lack the expertise to question their judgment on that from a point of authority- I’m not a virologist or trained as one- but the conclusion lines up with what I know of science and biology. I suppose all the people on the cruise liner or all the people world wide who have caught this virus get your pity as well? For their mouth spitting everything lock-in ways that spread this infection to them?
Either way- if you feel the need to protest the safety standards put in place by law and by medical organizations, or to hold public debates and town halls or give speeches on how if you don’t French kids people or lick their elbows you are 100% safe from catching or spreading this virus- it is your right.
I know nothing about your hygiene habits, I was addressing the horrific dystopia you apparently have decided the entirety of the world lives in.
And since you do live in such a horrifying reality and community where it's considered bad manners to misinterpret and take a sarcasm as a personal insult, but GOOD manners to chastise an old man for being goddamn thankful his wife is alive, I am glad I have nothing to do with your community's manners.
Luckily this man is not located in such a dystopia.
He was trying to spread some positivity in a time of crisis. Thank God you were here to put him in his place and put a stop to that nonsense.
I never chastised anyone. I said that I hoped this was pre quarantine- and then you flashed on that and went off 8 ways from Sunday- so I tried to explain to you that right now, there is a potentially catastrophic virus. You might have heard something of it. They’ve passed all sorts of laws and given all sorts of recommendations telling people to not go out unless it is necessary- and to minimize risks while doing so.
You then waxed sentimental on the emotional side of the thing- which acknowledged was sweet yes, but if it was not pre quarantine- misguided and potentially dangerous. Reconcile that something can be both- like spending your entire paycheck to buy someone you love a thoughtful but non essential gift- very sweet- not very prudent.
And if this IS pre quarantine- none of this matters. Hence why- I hope it was pre quarantine. Then it lacks the implications it does if it were say- yesterday or last week. Then there is nothing to say except it is sweet. So....
Yes, they DID recommend people not go outside. The government does not recommend you go skydiving either. You may get hurt. Guess what? People do it anyway.
Hopefully it did them some good to see that, among all the suffering and death and fear-mongering surrounding them, they made a huge difference in this man's life, and gave him hope and relief and happiness.
Hopefully people didn't go up and spit directly in his mouth or force him to lick their hands (as the general population are so famous for????) And everyone kept a safe but not psychotic distance so this man could go and tell these people just how much what they're doing means to him, and that them putting their lives and families at risk MEANS something - their work has faces, not just death masks.
That's what I'd hope for at any rate.
I hope it happened whenever the fuck it did happen. Clearly it reached the people it needed to and had the desired impact.
Thankfully people that share your issues with your salivary glands ARE staying home during quarantine, so he was completely fine.
And since you do live in such a horrifying reality and community where it's considered bad manners to misinterpret and take a sarcasm as a personal insult, but GOOD manners to chastise an old man for being goddamn thankful his wife is alive, I am glad I have nothing to do with your community's manners.
Luckily this man is not located in such a dystopia.
He was trying to spread some positivity in a time of crisis. Thank God you were here to put him in his place and put a stop to that nonsense.