...But look how united they are!
4 years ago by h4ckerwet · 272 Likes · 8 comments · Trending
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· 4 years ago
UN is worse than nothing.
· 4 years ago
we need to hit the restart button, agriculture leads to large populations that adopt govt just gotta return to the nomad phase in our tech tree. only familial tribes
· 4 years ago
We'd be just fine if we stopped flirting with global governments.
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· 4 years ago
I’ll say I don’t disagree but I don’t agree on the last point. There’s nothing wrong with a federal government- it’s actually pretty important to have one. We could say the same of a global government- providing it keeps to its place. What I mean is- every city is different and should have the freedom to decide what happens in that city for the MOST PART. Someone in the capital that’s never been there can’t really say if the city law or budget is right for that city. But no city exists in a vacuum and when there is business between cities, grievances and the like or shared projects- a county government can see the bigger picture for the area. On up to states and then federal.
· 4 years ago
A world government COULD work similarly. But we aren’t ready for it yet. Within the relatively small borders of a state we annoy even manage for the government of the state to respect and tailor its hand to the needs and conditions of its citizens. State governments can’t quite seem to find a way to let more rural counties or towns operate under laws that fit them and instead like to apply the rule that suits urban and suburban hubs to all. And don’t start on federal. If a single state cannot even manage the diversity in its borders and to respect the bounds of authority.... we don’t have much hope a world government would do better.
· 4 years ago
So I disagree that a world government couldn’t be a good idea or someday a necessity and benefit- but I agree that right now we don’t have the tools or mind set to make it work without being a nightmare. I also agree the UN, for what good it does- is largely impotent. It can levy sanctions. Wooo. It so happens that some of the governments most on the worlds shit list at any given time happen to also be governments with control of resources and knowledge that makes cutting off their economies impractical and self harming to other major nations.
· 4 years ago
And they are all aware of this. Oil rich nations, China, the US, etc- know that they not just produce things people pretty much HAVE to buy- but that they are major consumer markets who the world depends on to buy their crap too. Cutting these nations off from the global economy is a short and medium term economic catastrophe that could long rem lead to war or other things.
· 4 years ago
In other words- the UN’s most power comes from the countries that tend to be the ones it would most seek to police, and its only tool against these countries is to cripple the global economy and maybe start some wars. Wars that would likely also end the UN. It has no teeth.