Bro I literally have the classmate with the most audacity. The teacher asked him to answer a question and he’s literally like “No, I don’t think I will”
Holy shit
How do you guys even have these kind of people in your classes? Professors here are absolutely drunk on power and would definitely set a person like that"straight".
During my first week a guy rocked up in his PJ's. Plaid set, slippers, everything. He sat next to me and all I could say was "You must be so comfy right now" and he said "Yes. I am" and then didn't write a single thing the lecturer said for the rest of the class.
Sounds like exactly what I used to do. Most my professors had the notes online, so if I needed them I'd just look there. I preferred to listen and focus on asking questions in the classes I was interested in, in classes I wasn't interested in I'd just draw.
On the first lecture of International Organisations that we had, someone corrected the professor's grammar in her PowerPoint right in the middle of an explanation
Holy shit
It was in a chat room (text only) so idk how the teacher responded, only that they didnt