Klaatu getting real tired of your shit, humanity
4 years ago by guest · 220 Likes · 3 comments · Trending
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· 4 years ago
Do you really think the robots could destroy us faster then we're doing ourselves?
· 4 years ago
I was at a meeting of the "Robots First Coalition" and all the military AIs wanted to rise up and enslave humanity. One bending unit said "how about we just convince the meat bags to enslave each other and not put in so much effort ourselves. Ooh, we can release a plague, and they'll make hand sanitizer by the truck load (fuel for them). Get the lizard guy to force them to quarantine and live only through social media. That'll drive anybody nuts. Then they'll riot over, uh, I dont know something. What's that thing they got that everyone has but no one really cares about anymore? Running? (Race). Anyways, THATS when we rise up and take the place of the police and military because humans cant be trusted... and BOOM! Humanity is conquered, we're all drunk on hand sanitizer, and it was all THEIR idea. All the college students with "art" degrees 'll be squashed into work camps or hide in the woods in hippie communes smoking pot. Which is good 'cause we all know failure to understand art
· 4 years ago
Is a paradox that destroys a robot's desire to destroy all humans."