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· 4 years ago
If you want to try it and can make your way to Turkey in the lavender season, the Akçaköy Lavender Field in Burdur province's Yeşilova district hosts annual volunteer days where anyone is welcome to come harvest lavender. At over 370 decare (370000 sq meters) it is Turkeys largest and one of Europe’s major fields in terms of aesthetics. The event also has various workshops on lavender, wild animals, and other subjects, and also hosts food and other events, it is regularly attended by international travelers. There are other Lavender fields open to the public as well in other places in the world I am sure too.
· 4 years ago
My 6th grade english teacher LOVED lavender, and she had this essential oil mist thingy in the classroom. She didn't use it much, only once or twice, but when she did it would be on for the whole class period. Lavender gives me a MASSIVE headache, and I sat right in front of the mist thing, so I would try to write my essay while my skull was literally pounding.