I could go into a fairly long description as to why f is actually generally better of a measure of temperature for the average person but I’ll simplify it down to a single simplified point.
C is based on water temperature, the main reason people claim C is better is because it puts the scale for water at easy to use 0 and 100.
The average person never uses it for this. When freezing water a person will just visibly see when it freezes, probably a long time after it actually has. When boiling water they will do the same thing, turn on the heat and wait till it bubbles.
The average person does measure temperature for air often. Many do it daily watching the morning news or twice a day once in the morning and the evening. And the same argument for why C is good (0 and 100 being the general top and bottom end is useful for a human to think off) also fits for air temperature and people actually measure air temperature often.
I concede the fact that other temperature measures are better for specialized jobs and tasks but for the average citizen and daily common use, F is better.
Also I’ll also point out that this is basically the only time I’ll disagree with America’s measurement systems being absolutely garbage, having standardized gaps between measurement terms is definitely superior to the seemingly arbitrary conversion rates in imperial.
random thing about rankine, (note: I don't really know that much about specialized measurement systems like kelvin or Rankine so im going completely off of surface information about such lel)
kelvin and rankine are basically the same thing except that rankine is just F shifted down to absolute 0 and kelvin is C with the same done to it yes? Since F is a bit more precise than C (meaning that a change of 1 in F is a smaller change than a change of 1 in C) would that not mean that, from a completely "human brain do better with whole numbers than with decimal numbers" situation that rankine would be a better scale?
i mean that as a genuine question, not as a statement posed as a rhetorical question by the way. Im rather curious as to why kelvin is used in situations where that low temperature is talked about rather than rankine given the information i have about it.
I am not a scientist. I've only seen Rankine in projects. So I too have a superficial understanding of it. From this context, I think the use of Rankine is limited because the conversion from Rankine to Celsius is more cumbersome than Kelvin to Celsius. The benefits of that might outweigh the benefit of "smaller intervals means it's more likely that a random measurement turns out to be a whole number" . Plus I think the likelihood that your measurements will have decimal points increases the more accurate and precise the tool you are using is.
C is based on water temperature, the main reason people claim C is better is because it puts the scale for water at easy to use 0 and 100.
The average person never uses it for this. When freezing water a person will just visibly see when it freezes, probably a long time after it actually has. When boiling water they will do the same thing, turn on the heat and wait till it bubbles.
The average person does measure temperature for air often. Many do it daily watching the morning news or twice a day once in the morning and the evening. And the same argument for why C is good (0 and 100 being the general top and bottom end is useful for a human to think off) also fits for air temperature and people actually measure air temperature often.
kelvin and rankine are basically the same thing except that rankine is just F shifted down to absolute 0 and kelvin is C with the same done to it yes? Since F is a bit more precise than C (meaning that a change of 1 in F is a smaller change than a change of 1 in C) would that not mean that, from a completely "human brain do better with whole numbers than with decimal numbers" situation that rankine would be a better scale?
i mean that as a genuine question, not as a statement posed as a rhetorical question by the way. Im rather curious as to why kelvin is used in situations where that low temperature is talked about rather than rankine given the information i have about it.