Lol. Agreed. There’s just too many exceptions and complications that picture creates. Although it’s still got issues with a dolly or lift- since you may require certification or special assignment or union title to use certain equipment, and in some jobs- “working smarter” is a bad thing as the jobs are designed on procedure and the assumption everyone follows it. There are all sorts of things that SEEM like a waste of effort but actually are important steps in a process or to maintain accuracy, allow audits, or allow others to take over work flows mid step with virtually no interruption. But I mean- the spirit of the thing is to use your brains to succeed instead of struggling futility. So regardless of what we read into it that is the intent.
I don’t understand why he took the time to carve it into a sphere when he was just gonna roll it forwards. A cylinder would have done the same job and would have been faster to carve.