And what if it is fake? It’s still greener. People say “fake” like it’s a bad thing all the time. Hair dye is fake- but no matter how hard you try you aren’t likely to turn black hair blonde or blonde hair brunette without it. Many vaccines are “fake” version of viruses, many medicines are “fakes” for rare or troublesome “natural” ingredients. And for maintenance, any day of the week I’ll take a good quality fake wood over real timber in harsh service- the fake stuff is often superior for an application than the real stuff.
But speaking on self care- sometimes it’s smarter to get “fake grass.” While you’re over here spending time and energy watering and controlling pests or weeds and mowing, fertilizing etc.; the person with the “fake” grass isn’t doing 90% of that and has a greener lawn AND all that time and energy to spend on other things to care for themselves.
>don’t compare your lawn to other people’s. Just focus on yours being what you want it to be, or appreciating it for what it is.
>maybe don’t worry so much about lawns in general or how green they are. There’s enough to do and see in the world that you don’t need to worry about petty things.
>who cares if the lawn is fake or not? If they like their fake lawn, if that’s how they want their lawn to be- then they are doing just fine and that doesn’t diminish you at all.
>consider giving up on a green lawn. Plant local grasses and other plants that require almost no upkeep and are better for the local wild life and ecosystem as well as resources and earth. (Live holistically and stop trying to force standards of perfection that don’t fit.) You can cry and get depressed, but you may never have all the things you think you want. Learn to live simpler and enjoy what you have.
Unlike you who just envy people's shit
>maybe don’t worry so much about lawns in general or how green they are. There’s enough to do and see in the world that you don’t need to worry about petty things.
>who cares if the lawn is fake or not? If they like their fake lawn, if that’s how they want their lawn to be- then they are doing just fine and that doesn’t diminish you at all.
>consider giving up on a green lawn. Plant local grasses and other plants that require almost no upkeep and are better for the local wild life and ecosystem as well as resources and earth. (Live holistically and stop trying to force standards of perfection that don’t fit.) You can cry and get depressed, but you may never have all the things you think you want. Learn to live simpler and enjoy what you have.