Numberless coordinated injured Octopus
4 years ago by lightyear · 938 Likes · 4 comments · Popular
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· 4 years ago
Or, fun trick, use mouth wash while your mouth is burning. You will elevate yourself into new heights of pain.
· 4 years ago
That’s not how that works. Capsaicin does not increase sensitivity to heat, our understanding is that it binds to nerve receptors that detect heat and abrasion. In other words, there’s nothing hot about it, it makes your nerves send signals to your brain as if you had placed boiling water or rubbed your tissue against a an object at speed- like skinning your knee falling off a bicycle.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
“It isn’t really hot? Explain why I had actual physical damage from eating spicy food/getting spicy food on my skin/in my eyes etc!” Easy. Your body did that. Reacting to the assumption you were burned or abraded, your body causes tissue inflammation and other responses standard in such situations. These responses can have temporary discomfort or even cause actual tissue damage.
· 4 years ago
What’s more, getting capsaicin in a mucus membrane like the eyes will trigger a response that most any foreign body will- the membrane will try to expel it and or prevent entry to the body, usually through tears of mucus etc. capsaicin generally is an oil, not water soluble, so the body has difficulty clearing it out on its own when exposed to a mucus membrane.