Didn't realize doing their lawful duty in advising and deciding whether to consent to the lawful POTUS' pick for an emptied seat was stealing.
And do you wanna know how senators are picked? By Americans who are on their side. Pocahontas can keep playing these stupid games, but take it from a real Native American, so long as you all refuse to respect the right as people who have just as much a right to be heard as you, then you can expect more Trumps and McConnells, and 3 Percenters, and every other one of your boogeyman, to keep popping up.
Go ahead and call me a deplorable clinging to my guns and bible, it worked out damned fine for us in 2014 and '16.
Are the American people on “your side”? From what I’ve seen- when you take out all the left and right wing extremists and the lemmings- most of the sentiment I’ve seen has been that if there was anyone else with a hope of winning people would vote for them. Part of what lost the Democrats the last election was that they went up against of a cult of personality with a loser, and people had to either choose to toss their vote at the one they didn’t want to be president, or the one they didn’t want to be president. So Americans who aren’t so right leaning, or are humanitarian or otherwise not backing the big orange- they basically just leaned the hard way last election that they can’t have who they want and if they try they’ll end up with a turnip.
So I don’t know that America is with you- most who are with you now are there only because you stand against the person they likely want running the country least of all. As to wether it’s your democracy to take back- it isn’t. It’s OUR democracy. That includes the people who want bog orange and his half witted ways. Their voices count too. If people don’t get a fair shake to at least cast a vote- well... look around you at this divided nation. Right now the more left leaning, and the more sensible Americans feel rather out of the loop. But if we get some sort of sanity back in office- and especially if that sanity is left leaning by the compass of people who think president koolaid-man is anywhere short of far right.... making the right and the turnip lovers feel left out isn’t an answer. It just makes the problem worse.
So to the democrats and leftists and all those who are politicking against Trump and the right- I would plead that if you don’t like trump- don’t become the left facing mirror image of what he’s done wrong. Right leaning folks aren’t bad. There’s nothing wrong with having some conservative values. Not every right leaning person is an extremist or a fool. Trump
Isn’t some evil monster because he’s right wing. He’s a monster because he’s a sack of sh&t human. So don’t be like him or else who cares if you’re left or right? America doesn’t want another “tiny king” after this one leaves. The only people who would cheer leftist extremists taking office are leftist extremists- and those aren’t any better than rightist extremists. Idiots are idiots and A bully is a bully. Be better than him. Remember it is ALL of OUR democracy and YOU are chosen to represent US. ALL of US.
The double standard is getting out of hand. Right now the left is day dreaming and fantasizing of a liberal president and Senate, and adding more supreme justices (packing the court) and all the conservatives are in the camp of 'yeah, no. Bad call.'
But god forbid! Could you guys even imagine if Trump and the Republican majority senate would just toss in another two picks and make the supreme Court justices? Oh I can already see all the riots and the looting, why don't the republicans ever riot or loot?
A wise man once said to me that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans spend their own money and Democrats spend someone else’s. By simple extension of this logic you will see why so rarely the Republicans loot. You will however, seldom see the Democrats parading around with guns or marching on government buildings armed. Democrats riot and loot, Republicans rely on terrorists or start wars/civil wars when they are unhappy about the state of things.
Uh guest_, when the john brown gun club (democrats) run security for the Seattle chaz/chop captured east precinct not count? Or protesters pushing flaming dumpsters towards gas stations? The seem like armed democrats/ terrorists for the left. Also no one has ever marched into a restaurant and demanded all raise the fist for ALM.
And do you wanna know how senators are picked? By Americans who are on their side. Pocahontas can keep playing these stupid games, but take it from a real Native American, so long as you all refuse to respect the right as people who have just as much a right to be heard as you, then you can expect more Trumps and McConnells, and 3 Percenters, and every other one of your boogeyman, to keep popping up.
Go ahead and call me a deplorable clinging to my guns and bible, it worked out damned fine for us in 2014 and '16.
Isn’t some evil monster because he’s right wing. He’s a monster because he’s a sack of sh&t human. So don’t be like him or else who cares if you’re left or right? America doesn’t want another “tiny king” after this one leaves. The only people who would cheer leftist extremists taking office are leftist extremists- and those aren’t any better than rightist extremists. Idiots are idiots and A bully is a bully. Be better than him. Remember it is ALL of OUR democracy and YOU are chosen to represent US. ALL of US.
But god forbid! Could you guys even imagine if Trump and the Republican majority senate would just toss in another two picks and make the supreme Court justices? Oh I can already see all the riots and the looting, why don't the republicans ever riot or loot?