I was so excited to watch Hamilton on Disney+ and I loved every minute of it! I did need a little help catching all the lyrics, though...
(TITLE FROM REDDIT r/AdviceAnimals)
Well actually I watch everything was closed captions on even on YouTube when I can because some don’t have it and some are just YouTube trying their best but it’s terrible lol it’s mainly because I have problems registering what People say in movies and TV due to my Dyslexia so seeing subtitles along with the stuff that I watch helps me realize what they’re saying. I’ve been doing it for so long that I don’t even register that I’m reading while I’m watching movies and TV shows. That’s why I’m so used to it that for foreign films I’m watching them and I am reading along what they’re saying and when I remember back about the shows I don’t picture them speaking in their language I picture them speaking in English LOL
(TITLE FROM REDDIT r/AdviceAnimals)