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· 4 years ago
Some people saying were that the movie was recieved poorly because men can't handle strong female leads, when in reality people in general just don't like boring Mary Sues
· 4 years ago
I honestly hate what Disney has done to the star wars universe. Only decent things they have done is The Mandalorian and Rouge One
· 4 years ago
Honestly, I don't get all the Disney hate. TFA was competently made, TLJ was flawed but overall really interesting, Mandalorian is great, Rogue One was a cool new take on it, and I never saw Solo but I hear it's not terrible. RoTS was kinda bad, but that's about it. Rey honestly is an interesting character, maybe a bit too powerful for my taste but she really struggles with herself, especially in TLJ, so I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue. It kinda sucks they eliminated Legends, but they need to clean up their canon, and now they (mostly Filoni) are bringing back the interesting parts so it's honestly not that much of a loss.