It's been a while since I've seen something posted by this troll account.
The 'comedian' "Andrew Doyle" runs the account, and he "considers himself to be left-wing but is critical of elements of left-wing politics, in particular political correctness and identity politics" and is pro-Brexit.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
Yea, all those professionally funny persons who "consider themselves left" when all they do is ridicule the same groups of people as your right-wing uncle after he lost track of how many shots he had. And it's those exact people who mostly find these "jokes" funny.
Being pro Brexit and a Corbyn supporter at the same time tells quite a story as well. It's prolly those "Wall Street Circles" behind the whole mess, innit?
The 'comedian' "Andrew Doyle" runs the account, and he "considers himself to be left-wing but is critical of elements of left-wing politics, in particular political correctness and identity politics" and is pro-Brexit.
Being pro Brexit and a Corbyn supporter at the same time tells quite a story as well. It's prolly those "Wall Street Circles" behind the whole mess, innit?