Also Yoda is litterally the adult version of baby Yoda
4 years ago by dooong · 555 Likes · 2 comments · Popular
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· 4 years ago
I actually own a book of the sith... A lot of it lowkey makes sense.
· 4 years ago
The Jedi are like a still sea, stagnant, and rotten. movement is inherent to all life forms, and to chain the force into inactivity imbalances it, and destroys it. Whatever goal the Jedi set out to achieve becomes impossible without action, something they have historically refused to take in many situations, leading to great falls and disasters. The Sith are the sea during a storm, powerful, majestic, but turbulent and ultimately lose control and are ironically powerless to fight the currents they themselves generated. So many Sith lose sight of their original goals and intentions, seeking only the accumulation of more power and prowess over their foes, dying in a sense of losing themselves before they are struck down by challengers or betrayers.