This is a detail from a map of Östergötland, Sweden. The maps were created in the late 1600s, and describe in exhaustive detail farms, manors and other significant dwellings of the time. I get completely fascinated by them, not least in trying to decipher the archaic Swedish and embellished writing. Many places are described according to their usage and worth, e.g. "here is a little bit of fish but not much else of use." This is one of my favorites - the area just north of the center of this map is labelled "oduglig backe" which in Swedish means "piece of crap hill."
D14 Östergötlands län 1691. Lantmäteristyrelsen, Geometriska jordeböcker, SE/RA/420571/01/F/F1a/56 (1688-1694), bildid: 90003008_00106. Accessed at:
D14 Östergötlands län 1691. Lantmäteristyrelsen, Geometriska jordeböcker, SE/RA/420571/01/F/F1a/56 (1688-1694), bildid: 90003008_00106. Accessed at: