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· 4 years ago
i think it's awesome, but you know there will be people that would just take advantage
· 4 years ago
So it's better not to help anyone? Personally I'd say it's worth it.
· 4 years ago
didn't say that in the slightest.
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· 4 years ago
it's okay if people take advantage of it, that's kinda the point
· 4 years ago
i meant those that don't need it, will take them
· 4 years ago
Yeah... that is a concern. Though the lack of access to these pantries probably deters opportunists. Because they are rare and there is no easy way to access all of them. The time investment to look for enough pantries to take from and sell to earn a profit from gas expenses (assuming you are traveling by car from pantry to pantry) is probably greater than the money you could get by selling that food. And even if a person who is more well off than a homeless person takes it, they still benefit from the goal of the pantry which is to increase accessibility to food, if it were to increase accessibility to food JUST for the homeless you could have donated that food to the homeless directly. (also, i'm not the person who downvoted you)