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· 4 years ago
You can't call hom Mr Potato head anymore because of snowflakes
· 4 years ago
You're misrepresenting the situation. Hasbro changed the brand name from "Mr. Potato Head" to "Potato Head" but the toys Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head will still be called the same. It's a very minor change in name, a calculated pragmatic move made by Hasbro in an effort to appeal to the "wokes" without actually changing anything about their unethical production practices, soulless corporate bullshit speak to try to attract more customers and get more money. It wasn't at all spurred by "snowflake outrage" or whatever, I've seen exactly zero leftists or liberals being outraged about this. In fact the only people I've seen being outraged about this are right wing reactionaries who falsely claim that "SJeWs" are outraged and it's the beginning of the downfall of Western society and Orwell's nightmare and similar crazy shit.