i have read and reread that series literally a dozen times!!! it is fantastic and Butcher’s portrayal of an advancing roman empire in a strange land with control over furies is breathtaking.
And the character growth is staggering as well. Tavi at the start of "Furies of Calderon" is a completely different character from Tavi at the end of "First Lord's Fury", but he is still recognizably Tavi, and the change happens gradually and believably over the course of the series.
funny story; the entire series was written on a dare and a bet. tl;dr- Butcher bet he could write based from any prompt and someone he particularly did not like said “prove it- write a novel based on romans but with pokémon” and he was like “alright dammit i will”
i want a sequel series that shows the continuing challenges tavi faces against a hostile senate, his efforts to reclaim alera, and how furycraft changes over time as the world changes around him. and kitai as a mom. i think she’d be awesome.
Jim butcher said he’d do one several decades in the future to see the full extent of the changes Tavi made
Now how will I learn if the the other races magic was native to them in their home worlds or if furycrafting is entirely solipsistic
I desire more and I can’t figure out if the feeling is the loops pic or the MORE! Pic
Now how will I learn if the the other races magic was native to them in their home worlds or if furycrafting is entirely solipsistic