Since people took it a step further
Bulbi boi for gen 1
Cyndaquil or Totodile for gen 2 for reasons
Treeko. Duh. Linoone for a close second
Turtwig, adorable fucker
Oshawott, stab master
Fennekin cause fire needs love sometimes
Litten named John cena
Grookey. Grass monchey
Gen I: Charmander. I like Water Pokémon the most, but in this gen, the little fire lizard is the best.
Gen II: Totodile. Crocs are cool, I don't care what anyone says.
Gen III: Treecko. Mudkip and Torchic are cute. But leaf lizard wins 'cause coolness factor.
Gen IV: Piplup. Pingu pingu noot noot.
Gen V: Snivy. They're so smug, and they turn into snek.
Gen VI: Take a wild guess.
Gen VII: I understand Rowlet is the best Starter in this gen, but Litten is lit.
Gen VIII: Sobble. (Must protecc sad lizard.)
Though I'll just pick the water-type, no matter what it is.
Bulbi boi for gen 1
Cyndaquil or Totodile for gen 2 for reasons
Treeko. Duh. Linoone for a close second
Turtwig, adorable fucker
Oshawott, stab master
Fennekin cause fire needs love sometimes
Litten named John cena
Grookey. Grass monchey
Gen II: Totodile. Crocs are cool, I don't care what anyone says.
Gen III: Treecko. Mudkip and Torchic are cute. But leaf lizard wins 'cause coolness factor.
Gen IV: Piplup. Pingu pingu noot noot.
Gen V: Snivy. They're so smug, and they turn into snek.
Gen VI: Take a wild guess.
Gen VII: I understand Rowlet is the best Starter in this gen, but Litten is lit.
Gen VIII: Sobble. (Must protecc sad lizard.)
Also, he turns into a secret agent lizard, how cool is that?