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· 2 years ago
First thought to last question would be '... a lot.
· 2 years ago
Skipping the rest of the comments and answering the question originally posed. We'd be hosed. There's no Independence Day like comeback. Any advanced race that manages to cross the vast distances to "invade" us would likely only consider us pests at best. Likely about the level we think of raccoons. At worst they'd ignore us since nothing we could do would even reach the level of inconvenience.
· 2 years ago
Hang on.... looking for a meme that ends in humans being the species that aliens don't make contact with because they breath oxygen which is so toxic it is #1 cause of fire and death. Ends something like "we do not make contact with the death breathers."
· 2 years ago
I was told the idea of . The Earth being billion's of years old. How selfish individual people not just our 80 +/- years but all man kind would be on this planet with a world changing event. Something like an asteroid or Yellowstone volcano erupting. Adds a huge new perspective for me