Soooo…. Not sure where to start- because a lot is to be picked at here. Let’s first cover that nothing here refutes what is said above- “being fat” isn’t NECESSARILY unhealthy. It Carrie’s higher odds for some things in general- but odds are odds. If you have a 90% chance of winning a prize and you lose- you still lost.
An even bigger factor in Covid-19 death rates is if a person is vaccinated and follows prudent protocols for social distancing and mitigating exposure and risk to the disease. Your odds of being shot for the average non criminal that doesn’t attempt suicide are less than 1% for any random person- but I mean…. A lot people get shot everyday. So odds are odds. Potential. Nothing more. They don’t tell us what IS they tell us what MAY BE. So sorry, but an “increased risk” of health issues literacy doesn’t mean that one has worth health. It’s means their odds to have worse health are higher.
Moving on. Let’s look at the next issue- the two single biggest factors in determining wether you will get covid- and thusly wether you will have complications from covid- are how well you mitigate your exposure and risk to catching the virus and…. Being vaccinated. Yeah. Turns out that your risks of dying from covid plummet pretty dramatically when you are vaccinated and up to date. Which- for anyone who not so long ago or still is yammering on about vaccines and mask mandates as affronts to liberty and personal freedom- it would be shockingly hypocritical of them to criticize others for making choices about their bodies which can potentially impact their health if they’ve accepted the risks….
Next- let’s take a look at what the truth is- the truth is that research indicates higher body mass index (BMI) is linked to worse covid symptoms. But… BMI isn’t a measure of how “fat” someone is. When I used to train hard my BMI was obese at far lower than average body fat because… “healthy bmi” for a 6 foot tall man is 150-190lbs give or take based on frame size. So a “fighting weight” for a heavy weight is around 250-280lbs. In other words- if you see some swole dude who’s all cut up and can run 30 miles and lift a truck- that’s one way “morbidly obese” can look- but we don’t seem to think of that when we talk about body mass and weight. It always comes back to bagging on “fat people.” So here’s an idea- go to a boxing gym or power lifting gym etc. and try and “tough love” those guys into losing weight, give them the sermons on their health and their hearts as they age. It seems like most people prefer targets they see as less likely to be a threat though I guess…
An even bigger factor in Covid-19 death rates is if a person is vaccinated and follows prudent protocols for social distancing and mitigating exposure and risk to the disease. Your odds of being shot for the average non criminal that doesn’t attempt suicide are less than 1% for any random person- but I mean…. A lot people get shot everyday. So odds are odds. Potential. Nothing more. They don’t tell us what IS they tell us what MAY BE. So sorry, but an “increased risk” of health issues literacy doesn’t mean that one has worth health. It’s means their odds to have worse health are higher.